What Is a Phone Answering Service?

Phone answering service is a specialized third-party call center that handles incoming calls for clients and customers when they would normally reach voicemail or an on-site receptionist. It’s an ideal solution for businesses who can’t afford to keep an in-house receptionist but want to provide a human connection for their callers. The best answering services can handle multiple types of calls, from scheduling appointments to providing product support, and are trained to understand the unique needs and challenges of each client’s business.

An answering service can help you streamline your call flow by using an auto-attendant that answers common questions, directs calls to the right people, and saves time by decreasing call wait times. Many answering services will also let you publish your own second phone number for your business so that you can answer on personal devices when needed, protecting your privacy and giving you the ability to juggle calls more easily.

The agents who work for an answering service aren’t in-house employees, but they must be able to represent your company well. They’ll use scripts to interact with your callers and follow guidelines provided by you to ensure that they’re delivering a consistent message and collecting the right information.

The best answering services can be used by a wide range of businesses, including law firms, medical offices, real estate agencies, IT services, and marketing companies. They’re also an excellent choice for seasonal businesses who experience increased call volumes during peak seasons, when you can’t afford to staff your phone lines in-house. phone answering service