What is Family Mediation?

Family mediation is a way of resolving family law disputes without going to court. Unlike litigation, where a judge will decide the outcome of your case, family mediation is a voluntary process that you choose to participate in with the assistance of a trained mediator.

A mediator can help you reach an agreement that works best for your family by helping you identify and discuss solutions. You can resolve issues related to custody, visitation and child support as well as property division, spousal support, parenting plans and other issues that may arise during a divorce or separation. The goal of family mediation is to resolve disputes in a timely manner and save you the expense, stress and time associated with litigation.

During a mediation session, the parties will work with the mediator to explore possible solutions that address their needs and goals. Sometimes, the issues aren’t as clear cut as you might think, and a mediator can often bring a fresh perspective to the table that you might not have thought of on your own. The mediator will often facilitate communication, test realities and offer encouragement when negotiations temporarily falter.

Aside from saving you money and minimizing long term distress, family mediation also provides a way to preserve and improve relationships. Moreover, a mediated agreement can be more flexible than an order signed by a judge that might be difficult to change as circumstances change in the future. This is especially important in cases involving child custody.