Sixtieth Anniversary of YouTube Daily Video Viewing Up to 3 Billion

This content will focus on the miraculous growing of YouTube,Sixtieth Anniversary of YouTube Daily Video Viewing Up to 3 Billion Articles with its coming 6th anniversary, YouTube videos daily watching exceeded 3 billion. Maybe you and also I are just a small part of this.

As per media reports, Google’s video sharing web site YouTube shall be celebrating its 6th anniversary. YouTube technical team disclosed today at the Google official blog that the current video viewing a day hit 3 billion times.

YouTubewas formally online in May 2005. Google had it at the price of 1. 65 billion dollars in 2006. YouTube tech team said in the past 12 months, the total times of global Web users enjoy video in YouTube increased by 50%, that is to say YouTube must handle 3 billion video observing asks every day.

In contrast, the U. S. Internet flow monitoring agency, comScore reported last week that over the entire April, every U. S. Online surfers totally saw online video nearly 5. 1 billion times. In other words, among the YouTube videos viewed every day, most consumers are from everywhere.

In May, 2005, YouTube founders created YouTube, the purpose is to provide the public a platform for their self-performance to the global world. On this special anniversary YouTube technical team also expressed gratitude towards YouTube community.

Last November, YouTube technical team started a competition for users’ uploading videos to YouTube. Today, the total length of users’ uploading videos every minute is more than 48 hours (two days), increasing by 37% compared to half a year ago, and 100% to last year. The uploaded videos are incredibly colorful, it provides the users rich video download resources, whateveryoutube to iphone, youtube to ipod or youtube to other high-tech fashionable equipment will be filled with alternatives.

What can you do in two days? You’ll be able to continuously drive from San Bruno to New York. You can watch the movie ” Back to the Future” 8. 5 times. An African cheetah started off from South Africa, arrived in Egypt after running 3, 600 miles in the Africa continent. In YouTube two days will see thousands of users sharing their little independent world.

During last weekend, YouTube videos daily watching exceeded 3 billion, increasing by 50% compared to the same period last year, 3 billion times signifies half of the world seeing YouTube video everyday, and every single U. S. citizen at least watch 9 videos every day.

Then when the total duration of YouTube users’ uploading video clips every single minute can certainly breakout72 hours? When the total video watching times can certainly get to 4 billion? This will ultimately count on the consumers ourselves.  4000 watch hours on youtube