Pyramids in Egypt – the highlights you should not miss

On every Backpacker´s list is the visit of one of the 7 wonders of the world. This does not only fulfill the bucketlist,Guest Posting but has as well a great historical meaning to the individual traveller. A good place to start the chase of the wonders of the world is Egypt. The Giza Pyramids Complex is also known as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. A place, that any Backpacker needs to visit at least once. But the Giza Pyramids are by far not the only pyramids the country has to offer. Some might say Egypt is actually the paradise of pyramids. One seems to be bigger and more impressive than the others and you can spend days touring around the country. It is clear, that the pyramids characterize the face of Egypt. A picture of the giant buildings in the middle of the desert is often the first image related to a trip to the country in the Middle East. But which pyramids in Egypt are worth the visit? And what is truly behind these historical places?

The history behind the pyramids

There is a total of over 80 pyramids in Egypt, each one a wonder of its own. Looking at the pyramids in the country today, it seems nearly impossible knowing that they build it with their hands only. Numerous scientists and historians have studied the pyramids, but could not come to a conclusion how they managed to form millions of the identical blocks. Not only the production of the construction material, but as well the transport and the machines they used, are unknown. How long did it take them to build up over 100 meters into the air? How did they manage to build such a stabile building with stones only? These are only a couple of the questions whose answers seem beyond explanation. Standing in front of the pyramids in Egypt on your next visit might bring up the same questions.The pyramids in Egypt remain therefore a mystery – one that can be discovered by travellers. But which ones should be on your list?

The Giza Pyramids Complex

The Giza Pyramids Complex is truly the first pyramid to come in mind and is as well the absolute Must on any trip to Egypt. Three huge pyramids and the famous Sphinx form the complexthat attracts millions of visitors each year. It is one of the oldest wonders of the world and therefore of huge importance to both historians and Backpackers, who want to live their bucketlist moment. As the Giza Pyramids Complex can be easily reached from the capital of Egypt, Cairo, it finds its place on any itinerary.

It is highly recommended to take a tour to get all the background information. While come chose to visit the pyramids only, other Backpackers and travellers decide to combine the trip with a tour through the desert. Clearly, those pyramids are the most famous and popular in Egypt and the number 1 on the list.

The Pyramid of Djoser

Another highlight in the paradise of pyramids in Egypt is the Pyramid of Djoser. It can be found near the city of Memphis and is one of the highest pyramids the country has to offer. With the greyish stones it forms a totally different picture as the one travellers will see in Giza. Historians believe that this pyramid was one of the first ones ever build in Egypt. Remarkable is not only a different style of construction, but as well the Pyramid of Djoser consists of a non-square basis. Due to this uniqueness it one of the attractionsthat should not be missed. The Pyramid of Djoser can either be explored through a tour from Memphis or in a combination with the trip to the Complex of Giza.  Private guided trip