Montreal Home Care

Montreal home care is a range of services that support seniors in their homes to reduce the stress of caring for themselves or for their loved ones. These can include friendly visits, shopping trips and companionship, as well as nursing services like physiotherapy and psychosocial support. Home care can help prevent unnecessary placement and provide peace of mind for families.

While public home-care spending is low compared to other provinces, the private sector plays a large role in this field in Quebec. In 2000-2001, for example, the private sector accounted for 38.2% of home-care expenditures in the province, compared to 28.9% in the rest of Canada. Favourable tax measures are one reason for this strong presence of the private sector in this area.

For example, the Quebec government offers a tax credit for the costs of “adaptation of the dwelling to the needs of a senior,” and also a tax credit for persons who support a spouse or partner with a serious impairment in mental or physical health. These taxes can significantly reduce the cost of home-care, and they should be available to all who require them.

In addition to these measures, it is essential that entrepreneurs in the social economy be given the necessary flexibility to launch new products aimed at preserving the autonomy of seniors within their own homes, where they want to spend their golden years. Currently, the process of obtaining assistance for seniors suffering from loss of independence is often lengthy and complicated, requiring families to dive into an ocean of paperwork and deal with exasperating phone systems.