How to Select a British Male Voiceover

Whether you’re an advertising agency, post-production house or brand, finding the right voice for your project is essential. You need a tone that connects, convinces and compel your audience to take action. Something moreish that keeps them from hitting mute and allows them to cross their legs in commercial breaks rather than head for the loo. Maybe a chatty voice with subtle humour to lead them through an explainer video or some dry eLearning. Or perhaps nuanced, character-driven and true voice acting for an animation or a video game.

The type of British male voiceover you select depends on your project and your audience. For example, if you’re marketing a new cologne to middle-aged men, you’ll need an emotion-filled and convincing tone that makes them believe that purchasing the product will change their lives for the better. On the other hand, if you’re creating an explainer video about a new pain-relieving product for elderly people, then your best option will be a warm and soothing voice that helps them to relax.

You also need to consider the location of your target audience and the accent they speak in. For instance, if you’re targeting a Welsh audience, it’s important to hire a voice over artist that can nail the local accent. Otherwise, your audience might feel that you don’t relate to them and lose trust.

Lastly, it’s always a good idea to ask for recommendations and read reviews of different voice over artists. This will help you to avoid hiring someone who is unfit for your project. It’s also wise to request a demo from each candidate, so you can compare and choose the perfect one for your needs.