How to Register a Company in Singapore

If you’re considering starting a business in Singapore, it is important to understand how to register a company here. In this article, we will discuss the minimum startup capital required, the different types of company structure, and the process of filing your application with ACRA. We will also provide a checklist of the main documents needed, as well as provide an overview of the cost of registering a company in Singapore.

Depending on the type of business you plan to operate, there may be additional requirements that you will need to meet. These include securing business licenses and permits, which vary depending on the type of industry you are operating in. For example, private schools, video companies, travel agencies, moneylenders, and import/export firms are some of the businesses that require specific permits and licences.

The first step in registering your company is choosing a name and reserving it for 120 days or less. Then, you must file all the necessary documents with ACRA through their BizFile+ portal. Ensure that all your documents are in order and that they are signed by the appointed director and company secretary. Once your application is approved, ACRA will send you a Certificate of Incorporation which includes your business registration number.

As a leading location for international businesses, Singapore has an enterprise-friendly environment and is the most competitive economy in Asia. Piloto Asia can help you establish your company in Singapore by providing corporate secretarial services and ensuring compliance with all statutory requirements. how to register a company in Singapore