How Does Online Personal Training Work?

You might have seen fitness influencers talking about online training on social media or noticed adverts for online PT as you use your devices. While these are designed to look tempting, it’s worth bearing in mind that any kind of personal training comes with pros and cons – so you should always be aware of what you’re getting into before making any final decisions.

An online PT can work in a few different ways, but it’s typically based around providing clients with a bespoke online programme that they can follow at home or at a gym. Some will also have video check-ins where they’ll coach clients on the exercises, ensuring they’re carrying them out correctly and safely.

Other PTs may ask clients to film their workouts or send in progress pictures, so they can give detailed feedback and help keep them motivated. They might also suggest lifestyle tweaks to boost their results – such as tracking calories or adjusting sleeping habits.

For trainers, online PT software can be really helpful – especially if they want to save time and get the most out of their sessions. PT Distinction, for example, has an excellent rating across all the major portals (Get App, Capterra, Trustpilot etc) and provides a number of best-in-class features including client tracker and website integration.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, physical therapists are continuing to work with patients in their homes and via virtual appointments – also known as telehealth or remote patient care. Read on to learn more about this trend and how it can support the recovery of people with injuries and chronic conditions. Pt Online