A Silver Menorah Is More Than Just a Candleholder

A silver menorah is more than just a candleholder. It is a symbol of an ancient miracle in which a single day’s worth of sacred oil lasted for eight days, and an affirmation of the Jewish faith’s survival in spite of persecution and apostasy. This magnificent lamp was created for the reenactment of that miracle, and it has been illuminated for generations.

Like all silver menorahs, it should be cleaned after each use to prevent tarnishing. A soft cloth dipped in a mild soap and water can be used to wipe down the menorah, and it should be rinsed thoroughly to remove any residue. It should then be left to air dry before it is stored.

Menorahs come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and styles. Some are very ornate, incorporating filigree and elaborate designs. Others are simpler, focusing on the candles and the shamash. Some even incorporate a spout, a handle or another ornamentation.

This handsome seven-branched menorah is sculpted from sterling silver. The body of the hanukkiyah features an intricate gold-accented depiction of Jerusalem (including iconic domed roofs and stone walls), framed by a Star of David on its central stem. This artistic blend of traditional religious motifs makes this beautiful menorah the perfect Bar or Bat Mitzvah gift.

Stamped into the silver on this remarkable menorah are marks that localize it to mid-nineteenth-century Lviv, now part of Ukraine. A similar lamp, modeled on a seventeenth-century brass example in the Great Suburban Synagogue in that city, is shown in a 1909 photograph.